

Neurosurgery Department deals with diagnosis and surgical treatment of all structural disorders, dysfunction and cancers of the nervous system. The diseases diagnosed and treated ranges from congenital anomalies (congenital scoliosis and kyphosis, hydrocephaly, spina bifida, meningomyelocele and craniosynocytosis), benign and malignant tumors of brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves, aneurysm and arteriovenous malformations, movement disorders and occlusions and stenosis of carotid artery and cerebral arteries. Considering the spectrum of above mentioned diseases and disorders, Neurosurgery department works in close cooperation with neurology, neuroradiology, radiation oncology and neurologic rehabilitation departments.

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Hera Healthcare


Pediatric Neurosurgery

Deals with diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases of brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves that develop in childhood and that are mostly congenital in nature. Examples of these diseases include but not limited to epilepsy, hydrocephalus, skull defects, spina bifida, deformities of spine and brain tumors.It is not your destiny to live with unbearable pains.

Degenerative Diseases of Spine and Disc

Disorders is a part of the vertebrae degenerates due to aging, accidents and traumas. The load on the discs like structure that functions as a pillow between the vertebrae increases due to the degeneration. When it combines with the effects of aging on discs, integrity of discs is lost and hernia develops. All those effects lead to outflow of the gel-like content, when the outer layer of the disc ruptures


Is performed for the treatment of this clinical picture associated with very severe pain, while vertebrectomy, laminectomy and stabilization surgeries are carried out for associating diseases.

Functional Neurosurgery

Deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases characterized by involuntary movements, spasticity and severe spasms. Deep brain stimulator, also called brain pacemaker, offers promising outcomes in treatment of movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease. 

Spasticity and epilepsy surgeries

Also fall into this group of procedures. Traumas and Fractures Neurosurgery focuses on surgical treatment of traumatic damages to nervous tissues and organs. Causes of trauma include fall, sports activities, traffic accidents and ballistic traumas. A major part of traumas require urgent or non-elective surgeries and they range from skull and spinal column fractures to spinal injuries, severed nerves and trauma-related nerve compressions. 


deals with surgical treatment of all primary and metastatic tumors of the nervous system. Those tumors include meningiomas, glial tumors, pituitary gland tumors, posterior fossa tumors and spinal cord tumors. After location of the tumor is precisely determined with advanced imaging methods, the damage to the nervous system tissue is minimized by using advanced technology means, such as neuronavigation and neuromonitoring.

Cerebrospinal Vascular Diseases Aneurysms

Arteriovenous malformation, cavernoma and hematoma fall into this group. Aneurysms implies a bulging in a weak point of arteries in brain and spinal cord. Signs and symptoms are caused by poor blood supply to the organs and tissues that are fed by the affected artery.   

Arteriovenous malformation implies an anomaly in the capillary system that is located at the junction of arterial and venous systems. As a result, oxygen-rich blood cannot be carried to tissues and organs via capillaries and it is directly fed to the venous system.   

The symptoms vary according to the affected body part and it may lead to various neurological pictures, including epilepsy. The treatment is surgical and the options include endovascular treatment and stereotactic radiosurgery.



Implies the damage in a part of the brain secondary to partial or complete failure to supply blood to the brain. It is life threatening condition and urgent treatment is a must. It has two types: ischemic and hemorrhagic.   

The blood supply to the brain is hindered by clots in the ischemic stroke, while hemorrhagic stroke is characterized by poor blood supply to the brain due to rupture of an artery. Treatment of the stroke is dictated by the underlying cause and affected part of the brain.Get rid of the tremor that makes the life unplesant.

Brain Pacemaker – Deep Brain Neurostimulation

Deep brain neurostimulator, also called brain pacemaker, is a device used for treatment of movement disorders. The movement disorders are commonly characterized by slowed down movements, involuntary contractions, uncontrolled tremor, difficulty in walking and muscle stiffness and they have devastating effects on quality of life.   

Parkinson’s disease is the most widely known one of the movement disorders; essential tremor, dystonia and other rarer diseases fall into this group of diseases.Today, brain pacemaker is among the most effective treatment options for Parkinson’s disease.   

Moreover, it can also be used in treatment of essential tremor, dystonia, tic disorders and epilepsy. Deep brain stimulation is the medical term used for the brain pacemaker. 

A brain pacemaker consists of three parts; the stimulator, cables and battery. In the first phase of the treatment, cross-sectional images of the brain are obtained (CT and MRI) to determine location of the affected part of the brain precisely. CT and MRI images are combined and the resultant brain map is uploaded to the neuronavigation device.  

The patient stays awake in the first phase of the surgery. Local anesthetic agent is administered to block the pain. The error rate is minimized by the use of advanced technologies, such as neuronavigation and neuromonitoring.   

Electrodes are inserted into various parts of the brain tissue to check whether contraction, spasm, tremor and similar symptoms disappear. After the damaged part of the brain is precisely determined, electrodes are placed.In the second phase, anesthesia is administered and the battery of the device is placed into a pouch created under the clavicle.  

Next, the electrodes placed inside the brain are connected to the battery with cables.Brain pacemaker implantation is a safe procedure and the risk rate is very low (1%).  

The device is remotely accessed with a method similar to telemetry and the device settings are made. Patients live with the electrodes inside the brain in the rest of their lives and they are not replaced. The battery of the deep brain stimulator placed under the clavicle are replaced once every 5 years on average with a minor procedure.

Deep brain neurostimulation therapy has two aims: Alleviate symptoms of movement disorders and reduce dose or stop the medications used to manage the symptoms.The global hospital and physician network of Hera Healthcare allows you have access to all multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment means available in Neurosurgery department.


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